In India, there are 1.2 million doctors registered with the Medical Council of India. Many NGO institutes, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals are likely to search for doctors. Especially, pharmacy companies have to re-tool their marketing strategies to reach their target audience.
Are you one of these looking for database of doctors? Value Direct provides access to information of doctors based on income, city-wise, as well as on the basis of age group. We are the fastest-growing online marketing company in India that creates online marketing campaigns giving high priority to Doctors database.
Apart from letting what you want to communicate, we information and tools that makes your targeting easier.
How our database is distinct?
- Access to millions of doctors database
- Database based on income demographics
- Doctors database based on age group
Database is fragmented city-wise:
- Mumbai
- Delhi
- Banglore
- Pune
- Chennai
- Kolkata
- Hyderabad
What advantages you derive from our database?
- Pay only quality leads you receive
- Targeted marketing campaigns based on precise database
- Increase in sales opportunities
- Database once used not shared with competitors
Do you want to pitch your products / solutions to these potential customers? Get in touch with us, reap the benefits of quality database & reach your prospective customers through our systematic lead generation campaigns.