Salaried individuals are the easiest target for many companies, whether you’re a banking company offering loans, online retailer, tour operator or an insurance company. To reach these prospects, it is essential that you have all the information of these target audience that are likely to show interest in your product/service.
When it comes to specific salaried individuals database, look no further than Value Direct, an emerging lead generation company in India that uses quality database to set up marketing campaigns. The database of salaried individuals can be used by loan providers, online retailers, real estate dealers, restaurants and tour operators.
How our database is distinct?
- Access to 9.2 million of salaried individuals database
- Salaried individuals database based on demographics, age and income
Database is fragmented city-wise:
- Mumbai
- Delhi
- Banglore
- Pune
- Chennai
- Kolkata
- Hyderabad
What advantages you derive from our database?
- Access to quality leads
- Pay only for leads you get
- Targeted marketing campaigns based on accurate database
- Increase in sales productivity & opportunity
- Reach relevant customers