Before you sell stocks to anyone, don’t you think it will be more profitable if you collaborate with those who are interested in trading? Do you worry how you can get all the details regarding your targeted customers?
Now you do not have to think about database at all as Value Direct takes control of all the things in marketing. Our share market database takes most of the credit for the successful online marketing campaigns. Active investors are waiting to be engaging in stock market trading, do you want to reach them?
How our database is distinct?
- Access to 1 million stock market traders database
- Database based on income demographics
- Stock market traders database based on age group
Database is fragmented city-wise:
- Mumbai
- Delhi
- Banglore
- Pune
- Chennai
- Kolkata
- Hyderabad
What advantages you derive from our database?
- Tap new customers for your trading business
- Pay only for quality stock trading leads
- Targeted marketing campaigns
- Database not shared with anybody else
You can only make profits when you have right information of your target audience. With the help of our marketing campaigns based on stock market database integration, you get to reach those who are genuinely interested in stock marketing trading.