LinkedIn Can Help Your Business Achieve New Heights

LinkedIn isn’t your everyday social network. You don’t post about what you had for breakfast, or how happy you are on LinkedIn. Instead, LinkedIn is a networking website that allows you to connect with mentors, businessmen, entrepreneurs, etc. – professionals who can help you in growing your business.
LinkedIn is a great way to promote businesses. There are a lot of advantages of launching social media marketing campaigns, especially on LinkedIn. Get started on LinkedIn by creating an account free of cost, and then follow the steps listed below.
Why you should consider using LinkedIn for marketing your business:
- The networking website has managed to gather over 65 million business professionals from around the world. This translates to great marketing opportunities.
- Every second, there is at least one login on LinkedIn. This creates showcasing opportunities for LinkedIn campaigns.
- The average annual household income of LinkedIn users is upwards of $100,000. Hence, this accounts more business prospects.
- Nearly half of the members on LinkedIn are authorized to make decisions on behalf of their company.
- Businesses can expect to get referrals, mentorship, etc. and accelerate on the path to growth through networking.
All these points show the potential of LinkedIn. If done right, marketing on LinkedIn can take your business to new heights.
How you can get started with LinkedIn marketing:
The first thing you should be aware of is how LinkedIn works. Create a new account if you don’t already have one. One of the main advantages of LinkedIn is that creating an account is completely free of cost. This method of marketing is also relatively inexpensive, should you have to buy certain special packages.
- Now, create an amazing LinkedIn profile. Keep in mind that your business should be helping others in some way or the other, only then you can expect growth. Create a profile that is attractive, and also visually pleasing.
- You should also consider setting up a LinkedIn company page for your business. This can be done after you’ve filled out your resume on your LinkedIn profile. The company page will be automatically linked to your LinkedIn profile through your resume.
Now that you’ve set up a profile, filled out your resume and linked your company page to your profile, let’s get into the methods of LinkedIn marketing.
Passive and Proactive Methods of Marketing on LinkedIn:
Before you start marketing on LinkedIn, you must keep in mind that the rewards will be directly proportional to your efforts. However, you must also keep in mind the quality of your marketing campaign is a big determinant here. Let’s talk a little more about the methods of marketing on LinkedIn.
1. Passive Marketing
As the term suggests, you don’t have to put in any special efforts. Simply having a LinkedIn profile, making new connections, keeping your account updated, etc. can help you gather the attention of potential customers, clients, potential partners, etc. Here’s how the passive marketing approach works:
- Connecting you with potential customers: LinkedIn has a search feature, which connects people looking for what you offer.
- Introduction to a host of networking opportunities: LinkedIn business connections can help you connect with people and businesses that you may otherwise not be able to reach.
- Recommendations: Recommendations are basically testimonials as to how good your business is. More testimonials translate to better opportunities for growth.
2. Proactive Marketing
As mentioned previously, the more efforts you put in your marketing campaign, higher the rewards that you can get. Here’s how you can proactively market your business on LinkedIn:
- Participate in groups: Establish yourself as an expert in the field of your business. Answer business related queries with eloquence and in a professional language. Do not spam group posts, or promote your business directly. The first step involves establishing yourself as a trustworthy and knowledgeable person in that particular field
- Post regular status updates: Get your word out there by posting regular status updates. Post updates about what you’re working on, and how you ensure that the client is satisfied. It is imperative that what you’re doing helps others achieve their own goals, too.
- Paid advertising on LinkedIn: Paid advertising on LinkedIn is relatively cheap and an amazing way to break into the market by getting the word out there.
- Paid LinkedIn membership: Paid membership on LinkedIn gives you access to a lot of opportunities that weren’t previously available. This will give you additional benefits such as added contact options.
The Bottom Line:
Promoting a business is one of the main things that an entrepreneur/business professional aims to do. LinkedIn offers great opportunities to market your business to a stream of professionals who know what they are doing.
Get started on LinkedIn today for marketing your business.
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